About Ricardo

"I am deeply interested in subjects dealing with man and its environment, the natural world and everything having to do with life outdoors. That's why I have travelled to remote places of Chile and some countries in South America, where the untapped nature is a challenge to the daily survival of peoples who have decided to make those places their home.
"I don't remember the moment I started writing about my travels, to prepare articles about the subjects that atracted me. It was perhaps that these sites produced emotions so intense that writing was a way of dealing with them. Like in the expedition to Espíritu Pampa, the last citadelle of the High Urubamba, in Peru: an Inca fortress where the great Manco Inca hid to later invade the troops of conquistadores who were surrounding Cusco.

Chile is a long stretch of land offering infinite possibilities to photographers. Consider the unique characteristics of the light that you find in the Andes mountains, so different from the light of the Puna, or of the one in the valleys and salty plains of the Altiplano. On the other hand the light of the cloudy rainforest or the frozen cordillera, or simply the light that is trapped in a spider web in the morning subjugates, making the challenge to be infinite.
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